Dr. agr. Veronika Ebertz (geb. Overmeyer)

© Uni-Bonn
Research assistant at the Institute for Agricultural Engineering at the University of Bonn
Research areas
Dr Veronika Ebertz conducts research on the acidification of liquid manure, primarily in pig barns. In her doctorate, she also conducted research on the characterisation of the buffer capacity of liquid manure. In addition to lecturing on emission-reducing techniques in animal husbandry, she also teaches in the field of fattening pig husbandry.
Projects/Third-party funds
09/2018 till now
- Overmeyer, V.; Büscher, W. (2022): Gülleansäuerung: Technik nachrüsten. BWagrar 45/2022, S. 22-23.
- Overmeyer, V.; Büscher, W.; (2022): Flüssigmistansäuerung auch schon im Stall möglich?
LZ-Rheinland, Ausgabe 6, 2022, S. 32-33 - Overmeyer, V.; Trimborn, M.; Clemens, J.; Hölscher, R.; Büscher, W. (2022): Impact of a Retrofit In-house Slurry Acidification on Ammonia and Methane Emissions from Fattening Pig Barn. In: 8th International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference (GGAA), Orlando, Florida.
- Overmeyer, V; Wagner, K; Wokel, L. (2022): Emissionen aus der Gülle senken. Agrarheute Juni/2022, S. 26-31.
- Veronika Overmeyer, Anita Kube, Joachim Clemens, Wolfgang Büscher & Manfred Trimborn (2021)
One-Time Acidification of Slurry: What Is the Most Effective Acid and Treatment Strategy?
Agronomy 2021, 11, 1319. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11071319
https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/11/7/1319/htm3 - Holtkamp, F.; Overmeyer, V.; Clemens, J.; Trimborn, M. (2021): Alkalisation as Efficient Slurry Treatment Reduces Ammonia and Methane Emissions and Enables P-Recycling. In: Tropentag 2021: Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Witzenhausen, DITSL. Virtual Conference.
- Overmeyer, V.; Holtkamp, F.; Trimborn, M.; Clemens, J.; Büscher, W. (2021): Acidification of slurry with different pretreatments and their effects on buffer capacity and acid consumption. In: 5th International Conference of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR), Virtual Conference.
- Ebertz, P.; Overmeyer, V.; Büscher W. (2021): Impact of manure management in pregnant sows fed ad libitum with diets based on whole crop wheat silage on manure amount and emissions of NH3 and CH4. In: 5th International Conference of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR), Virtual Conference.
- Overmeyer, V.; Büscher, W. (2021): Gülleansäuerung: Stalltechnik nachrüsten.
Bauernzeitung 48/2021, S. 40. - Overmeyer, V. (2021): Nachrüstlösung zur stallinternen Ansäuerung von Flüssigmist in der Schweinehaltung. In: Expertise 2021 (MSD Tiergesundheit).
- Overmeyer, V. (2021): Flüssigmist im Stall ansäuern. Badische Bauernzeitung 12/2021, S. 34.
- Overmeyer, V.; Büscher, W. (2021): Schon im Stall Ammoniak reduzieren. Land & Forst 11/2021, S. 40-41.
- Veronika Overmeyer, Felix Holtkamp, Joachim Clemens, Wolfgang Büscher, Manfred Trimborn (2020) Dynamics of Different Buffer Systems in Slurries Based on Time and Temperature of Storage and Their Visualization by a New Mathematical Tool, https://doi.org/10.3390/ani100407244
- Overmeyer, V.; Trimborn, M.; Clemens, J.; Büscher, W. (2019): Stallinterne Ansäuerung von Flüssigmist in der Schweinehaltung – Stand der Technik. In: 14. Tagung: Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung (KTBL), Bonn.
- https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5733-486X
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Veronika-Overmeyer
- https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/11/7/1319/htm
- https://doi.org/10.3390/ani10040724