M. Sc. Sonja Hillemacher

© Uni-Bonn

Research assistant at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Bonn, Frankenforst Campus

Research areas

As a biologist, my research interests lie primarily in the ethology and cognitive abilities of chickens and how this knowledge can help to adapt the husbandry environment to the animals' needs. Improving animal welfare is the linchpin of my research, which is not only my professional interest, but also my private one. In previous research projects, I have already dealt with the adaptation of various aspects of modern aviary management to the biological needs of laying hens, such as lighting, perches and structuring in the house.

Curriculum vitae

  • 2011 - 2014 Study of biology at the University of Bonn
  • 2014 - 2017 Master's degree in organismic biology, evolutionary biology and paleobiology (OEP) at the University of Bonn
  • 2017 - 2018 Research assistant in the project Old Native Poultry Breeds in Germany at the Scientific Poultry Farm, Sinsteden
  • Since 2018 Research assistant and PhD student at the University of Bonn

  • World Poultry Science Association (WPSA), Deutsche Vereinigung für Geflügelwissenschaften e.V.



2022 - now



2022 - 2023


  • Welfare-Related Behaviors in Chickens: Characterization of Fear and Exploration in Local and Commercial Chicken Strains 2021
    V. Meuser, L. Weinhold, S. Hillemacher, I. Tiemann

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